+86 21 65078056
School Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Realize Your Chinese Dream 

Firstly, we welcome you to join us and start your Chinese learning adventure. We firmly believe that your efforts combined with our service will help you fulfill and even surpass your goals in learning this interesting language. Upon completing the registration and payment, please carefully ready the Terms & Conditions, sign send back to confirm. 欢迎加入我们开始你的汉语学习之旅,请认真阅读此规范,并签字交回确认。

Documentation  Please provide necessary information according to requirements of school, such as the contact information, valid passport, visa, medical report and so on and make required payment upon receiving your contract, in which the detailed fees and services are listed. In case of payment failure, the relevant services will not be guaranteed.
请按照学校要求提供如联系方式,护照,签证,体检报告等必要信息。并在收到包含付款以及服务细节的合同 时按时付款,如不能,则不能确保相关服务。

Class and Group Size Each lesson is 45 minutes, for both group and private course. And small group class is run with a minimum of 3 people and a maximum of 10 people. If less than 3 persons, class hours will be shortened by 1/3, but the course progress plan will be guaranteed. If the 11th or more students want to join, the school has to get all group members agree and refund 5% of paid tuition fee to students in the class after the extra students successfully joining.
每节课 45 分钟,小班课学生人数为 3-10 人,如少于 3 名学生,课程继续,但是课程时间可能缩短 1/3,但保证 学习计划完成。如果有第 11 人或更多希望加入班级,学校需征得所有学员同意,并在额外的学员顺利加入之 后,退还班级学员已付学费的 5%作为补偿。

Holiday and Attendance We carry out holiday according to official Chinese holiday arrangements, and reserve the right to adjust class arrangements in order to better accommodate our or your schedule. The classes that you don’t attend, arrive late, leave early for personal reasons during non-holiday times will be treated as your absence (it won’t be made up and the absence without written message to school will influence your attendance rate that might bring problem for course and student visa renewal. Therefore please inform school in advance and prepare and make an effort to catch up with the group progress.

我们会按照中国法定假日进行放假,并保有为更好安排学习而对假期安排进行调整的权利,在学校非假 期期间,由于个人原因迟到,早退或不能参加课程的,我们将视为缺席,将不予弥补所缺课程,不请假缺席的将 会影响出勤率,可能会影响续读和签证延期,请务必提前请假并想办法补课以跟上班课的进度。

Schedule, Adjustment and Cancelation All sample course schedules listed on website or price sheets are samples, the final course schedules is confirmed one month before class starts according to the enrollment and teaching arrangement. After group class starting, if you want to change course arrangements, you must give SN Mandarin a written notice within two weeks. Change will only be made upon availability and will not be available 2 weeks after lesson starting. For private lessons, if you (for students and teachers) wish to cancel or change your class for any reasons, please contact your teacher (or students) at least 24 hours in advance to well inform each other. Otherwise, students shall sign the class record of the missed classes as being taken and teachers shall give the lessons cancelled by teachers non-24-hour-in-advance for free.

网站以及价格表上的课程时间表仅供参考,最终时间将根据招生情况以及课程计划于开课前个月确定。对于班 课,若课程开始后要更改课程安排,请于开课后 2 周内向学校递交书面申请,更改仅在可行时发生,开课 2 周 后不可调课。对于私课,老师和学生如因个人原因需要取消约定的课程,需要提前 24 小时有效通知到对方,否 则学生需要补签临时取消的课程记录,按已上课处理;同样老师对自己临时取消的需无偿补课。

Cancelation and Refund All courses must finish within the agreed time after their starting dates. If not, Students will be deemed to waive their remaining lessons and no lesson transfer or refund will be available. The down payment is non-refunded if you cancel or cannot finish the course in time. Tuition fee is refundable if students cancel the course within two weeks after course starting, deducting the tuition of taken class (from beginning to the cancelation date). If students cancel the course two weeks after the starting, the tuition of taken class (from beginning to the cancelation date) will be deducted, and 20% of the remaining tuition fee will be charged as cancellation fee (check Course Cancelation and Refund Policy for more details). The course registration fee is non-refundable; 
学生需在约定时间内完成,如不能,将被视为放弃其余的课程,无任何课程转换或退款。如取消或未按时完成 课程,定金不予退还。开课 2 周内课时费扣除已上课时后可退,2 周后如需退款,将扣除已上课时和未上课时 费用的 20%作为取消费用。 Finally, we wish you a happy, enjoyable, and fruitful Chinese learning journey! 最后,祝您学习愉快! 
All the rights and obligations are stated expressly above. Any verbal communications and promises by the staff are invalid and unenforceable.  SN Mandarin reserves the right to explain the aforementioned terms and conditions.