+86 21 65078056
Part time Evening Group Chinese Class is specially designed for clients like you who have regular daytime working schedule that allows you to join a group class two evenings a week.
Location: At school
Schedule: Normally 7-8:30 on Mondays & Wednesdays (HSK) or Tuesdays & Thursdays (Business Chinese)  
Cost (45 minutes per lesson):

Learning Target and Cost for Each Level
LevelsLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6
Number of Lessons to complete484860120120120
Weeks to complete121216323232
Book Fee/Person150RMB150RMB150RMB300RMB300RMB300RMB
Registration Fee/Person200RMB for the first time registration

Evening: 7-8:30PM on Mon. & Wed (HSK)   

Weekend: 2-3:30 PM, 15-minute break and then 3:45-5:15PM (HSK on Saturdays)

New Group Starting Dates 2024

Evening: Feb.06/21, Jan.15/23,Feb. 20/26,Mar.04/19, April 08/23, May 06/21, June 03/18, July 08/23,Aug. 05/20,Sep. 02/17,Oct. 07/22,Nov. 04/19, Dec.02/17, 2024

Weekend: Jan.20/21,Feb.24/25, Mar.16/17, April 20/21, May 18/19, June 15/16, July20/21, Aug. 17/18, Sep. 14/15, Oct.19/20, Nov. 16/17, Dec.14/15, 2024